Tag Archives: Logo Design

34 – Logo Design Steps 2, 3 & 4 – Research, Visual Research & Sketching and Conceptualizing

Objective: To continue the logo design process by conducting online research and brainstorming logo designs and sketching ideas on paper.

Student Friendly Learning Target: I can produce five sketches of possible logos for the CHHS eSports team based on research I have gathered from online resources.

Web Links:

Article: How eSports Branding Works: https://www.redbull.com/en/esports/stories/1331659416941/how-esports-branding-works

High School Starleague: https://hsstarleague.com/

HSL League of Legends Division: https://lol.hsstarleague.com/

League of Legends: https://leagueoflegends.com

Topics Discussed:

  • Eight Step Logo Design Process:
    • Step 2 – Research
    • Step 3 – Visual Research
    • Step 4 – Sketching and Conceptualizing


Step 2 – Research

Use the web to research eSports and professional online gaming   to get an idea of what eSports is all about. Use the High School Starleague page to get a better understanding of the league’s existing colors and iconography.


Step 3 – Visual Research

As you conduct your online research, keep an eye out for any logos or designs on the websites to get an idea of what kinds of logos other teams are using. What kind of shapes, symbols, colors and typefaces are used in eSports logos and materials?

Try doing a Google Image Search for “eSports team Logos” and see what you come up with. Seeing what kind of logos other teams use will aid you in making your own design decisions when it comes time to produce your logo concepts.

Step 4 – Sketching/Conceptualizing

Once your research has been completed, you should begin developing logo concept sketches. These should be very rough sketches – do not go overboard on the artwork at this point. Your artwork should be just enough to clearly show the visual concept you are working on.

By end of Friday, you will need to produce a minimum of five different logo design concepts. These should each be separate and distinct logo ideas, don’t just produce five versions of the same design. Use this time to visually brainstorm ideas, and to get the ideas in your head out on paper. You may do these sketches with traditional tools (pencil, pen, paint) on paper. DO NOT USE ILLUSTRATOR YET! You may use any  traditional media, so long as you have five different concepts by the due date.

Remember: these are sketches only! You will select a single concept the week after Spring Break to work on as your final logo design, and only at that time should you put your best artistic effort into the work.

When you have finished your five sketches, turn them in to the wire basket on my front table. Then, proceed to Step 5: Relax, and reflect on your design work, take a week off, and be ready to resume work with fresh eyes on the Monday after Spring Break!

Assigned: Tuesday, March 7th, 2017

Due: Friday, March 10th, 2017

33 – Logo Design Step 1 – The Design Brief

Objective: To begin the logo design process by producing a basic Design Brief document.

Student Friendly Learning Target: I can begin my Design Brief by writing ten open-ended questions to be answered by the client.

Web Link:


Topics Discussed:

  • Eight Step Logo Design Process:
    1. The Brief


Read through Jacob Cass’s Just Creative website to identify and define the eight steps of the design process that modern designers go through to get to their final logo design. Step one of the process begins today with The Brief.

Today we will begin working on our logo design for an actual client here on campus. The client is our newly founded Carl Hayden High School eSports Team, competing in the League of Legends division in the High School Starleague, and as of today every student designer in my classes is in competition to produce a logo that the team will select as their own. In the next two weeks, you will work through the eight step process to produce a professional-looking logo for the eSports team.

Step 1 – The Design Brief

You will begin the logo design process by visiting today’s Google Classroom post, and creating a new Google Doc with ten questions (in complete sentences) that you would like to ask the CHHS eSports team about what they would like to see in their logo. These should be open-ended questions (questions that do not have a yes or no answer). Try to ask questions that will help you understand what the CHHS eSports team wants in a logo, and that will help you produce something that they will want and increase your chances of winning the logo design competition. Once you have your ten questions, mark the assignment as “Completed” to receive credit for today’s activity.

Your ten questions will be reviewed by the CHHS eSports team. A CHHS eSports team member will answer them to the best of their ability, and they will be returned to you to guide you in your design process.

Following the final deadline in a few weeks, the team sponsor and team representatives will look at all the finished logos, and choose one as their favorite. The winner of this logo design contest will receive a great deal of recognition (as the team will be using it as their logo in competition), as well as an official recognition and award at the end of the year Magnet Awards ceremony, so do your best to write open-ended questions that will help you determine what the CHHS eSports team wants and that will allow you to give them what they are asking for.

Assigned: March 6th, 2017

Due: March 6th, 2017