Tag Archives: Fall 2019

Servers and File Shares 2019


  • Launch an application in the Macintosh environment
  • Create and Save a document in the Macintosh environment
  • Connect to the classroom file server
  • Turn in an assignment to the appropriate Student Drop Folder

Student-Friendly Objective:

  • I can create a file and copy it to an online shared folder using the Connect to Server tools within OSX Mojave so that I can save files to an alternative location in case of an unexpected loss of Internet access.

Video Links:

Topics Discussed:

  • OSX Mojave
  • Microsoft Word
  • File Servers and Volumes


  1. Connect to the server by activating the Finder (Click on your desktop wallpaper), and using the Go -> Connect to Server menu command, or the keyboard shortcut (Command + K).
  2. The server address is afp://  Enter this in the address field and click the blue Connect button.
  3. Connect as a Guest by clicking the “Guest” button and clicking the Connect button.
  4. Scroll down in the list and select the “StudentTempFiles” volume and click OK.
  5. Navigate through StudentTempFiles to the “Marmolejo CGD 1-2” folder. Drill down through this folder to the Student Drop Folder, find your period number and locate the target folder for today’s assignment (1 – I Want to Learn…).
  6. Launch Microsoft Word (Launchpad -> Microsoft Word) and write a few sentences describing  what you would most like to learn in this class and why you would like to learn this. (Do you want to learn how to design magazine covers? Edit digital photographs? Enhance your drawing skills using computer tools? Draw cartoons? Make art?) Make sure you use proper grammar and run a spell check before you are finished. Save this file with your name as the file name. It should automatically save to your Documents folder. Remember the location of this document.
  7. To hand in this assignment, copy (drag and drop) the file you created from your Documents folder to the appropriate target folder on the StudentsTempFiles server. (StudentsTempFiles/Student Drop Folder/<Your Class Period>/1 – I Want To Learn…).
  8. This method of handing in assignments was the method we used to use for every assignment, before we gained access to Google Classroom. It still serves as a good backup method for collecting files that will still work in the unlikely but possible event that we cannot access Google Classroom over the Internet. Regardless, it still serves as a good exercise, as now you know how to connect to network shares using OSX Mojave, as well as how to upload files to a specific location on the local network.

Assigned: August 14th, 2019
Teacher Pacing Due Date: August 15th, 2019

Meet Your Mac Activity 2019


  • Introduce students to the Mac OSX operating system.
  • Walk students through configuring their workspace to their own preferences.

Student-Friendly Objectives:

  • I can effectively navigate the Macintosh OS, and change my desktop wallpaper, mouse settings and desktop settings using the System Preferences so I can customize and configure my Mac workspace to suit my preferences.



Topics Discussed:

  • Mac OSX
  • Desktop
  • Menu Bar
  • System Preferences
  • Mouse
  • Dock
  • Icons
  • Finder
  • Trash
  • Launchpad
  • Documents
  • Finder Window
  • Finder Window Views
  • Safari
  • Google Image Search
  • Resolution


  1. Today we’ll begin our introduction to the Macintosh operating system.
  2. Follow along with the in-class demonstrations to learn how to:
    1. Log in using your newly created network account.
    2. Change your password, if you wish to do so.
    3. Navigate through the OSX Mavericks operating system.
    4. Identify and use items on the desktop, including the Finder, application icons, the menu bar, the dock, the trash and the Launchpad.
    5. Use the System Preferences panel to adjust your Desktop wallpaper and your Mouse settings (enable right click).
    6. Open a new Finder window and navigate to your Documents folder to store files and folders.
    7. Use the Finder window to view files and folders in different ways.
    8. Adjust the Finder Preferences to see all items on the desktop.
    9. Use Safari to browse the web
    10. Locate and bookmark the class website (https://cgd.mistermarmolejo.com).
  3. Use Google Image Search to find an appropriate image to personalize your desktop. (Keep it classy!)
    1. Use the Search Tools underneath the search bar to search for Large images with higher resolutions for the best results.
    2. Remember: for the image to look good on your desktop, it has to have a minimum horizontal resolution of 1920 pixels!

Posted: August 13th, 2019