Plans for Success 2020-21


  • I can read and understand the class Plan for Success, and share it with my parents/guardians and prove that my parents and I understand and agree to its contents by returning it with my and their signatures so that we can all understand our rights and responsibilities as learners.


Topics Discussed:

  • Computer Graphic Design 1-2 Plan for Success


  1. Hey, you’re back! It’s good to see you again. Today, we’re going to take care of some official business called the Plan for Success.
  2. When you get to the college or university level, every class you’re going to take has something called a syllabus. It’s basically a legal document that defines what you can expect from the professor, and what they expect from you. It’s a pretty important thing! The Plan for Success is essentially the same thing for this class.
  3. Why is it so important? Well, since it’s a legally binding document, if a professor violates the terms of the published syllabus in a way that a student feels negatively affects them, that student can take the professor to court. Side note: please don’t take me to court. If you see a problem with the Plan for Success, just let me know and I’ll fix it.
  4. I’m going to point out the important parts of the Plan for Success for you today, but it’s your responsibility to read it in full and make sure you understand it, because everything we do from here on out is going to be governed by this document. If you have any questions about the document, make sure you take time to ask me so I can explain anything you don’t understand.
  5. Once you’ve read it and fully understand it, sign it at the bottom to signify your understanding and agreement to follow the plan.
  6. Put it someplace safe, and take it home with you. Show it to your folks tonight, and tell them what we talked about today. Make sure they understand what you’re getting into, and have them sign it to confirm that they understand the details. Send the signed copy back to me by the end of next week (August 14th, 2020).

Assigned: August 6th, 2020
Due Date: August 14th, 2020