Tag Archives: Typography

Intro to Typography – Type Identification 2016

In today’s assignment we will categorize a given font into one of the four major classifications of type.


  • I can identify which of the four major typeface categories a given font belongs to.

Vocabulary Words:

  • Type
  • Typeface
  • Font
  • Serif
  • Sans Serif
  • Script
  • Ornamental/Decorative/Display


Topics Discussed:
  • Serif Fonts
  • Sans Serif Fonts
  • Script Fonts
  • Ornamental/Decorative/Display Fonts


  1. Visit my Google Classroom page and open the Google Form entitled “Type Identification 2016”.
  2. For each of the list of 20 fonts provided, look at the font and choose which of the four Type Categories it belongs to. Each font will go into one of the four font categories we have studied in class: Serif, Sans Serif, Script or Ornamental/Display, but some might even belong to more than one category, so choose the one you think is best!
  3. Submit your form, and mark the assignment as done on the Google Classroom page. We will discuss the answers in class.

Assigned: September 27th, 2016
Teacher Pacing Due Date: September 28th, 2016

Intro to Typography – Searching for Type 2016

Today we will begin exploring typography, which is the art of arranging type to make language visible. To fully understand typography, we will explore many different aspects of type, including the history of typography and how it has evolved throughout different time periods and developed in the digital age.
In today’s assignment we will discover and investigate four of the major categories of type


  • I can identify and explain the four major categories of typefaces.
  • I can define Typography as a technique for communication and as an art form.
  • I can define Typeface and Font and recognize the difference between the two.
  • I can identify the categories of fonts and how they are best used.

Vocabulary Words:

  • Type
  • Typeface
  • Font
  • Serif
  • Sans Serif
  • Script
  • Ornamental/Decorative/Display
  • Typography
  • Typeface versus Font
  • Digital Typography
  • Font Foundries
  • Free vs. Paid Fonts
  • Online Typeface Resources
Paratype – Typeface Classification
Desktop Publishing at About.com – Typeface Classifications
Dafont.com – Free Fonts
Topics Discussed:
  • Serif Fonts
  • Sans Serif Fonts
  • Script Fonts
  • Ornamental/Decorative/Display Fonts
  • Online Typeface Resources


  1. Using the web addresses above, find the definitions for each of the following:
    serif type
    sans serif type
    script type
    ornamental/display type
  2. Use InDesign to create a document that explains each of the above items.
  3. Use a default 51p0 x 66p0 Letter size page.
  4. Include a large headline for each category, and a one sentence explanation of the definition.
  5. Include a sample image to show me what each of the four type categories looks like.
  6. Try to put all of the four on one page!
  7. When you are finished, hand in your completed InDesign document and all the sample images you used to the Google Classroom page for this assignment.


Searching For Type Example


Assigned: September 22nd, 2016
Teacher Pacing Due Date: September 23rd, 2016