Tag Archives: Term 1


Today we are going to start learning about the Principles of Design. Specifically, we will be studying four major principles that will help make everything you create more visually pleasing and easy to read. Understanding these principles will help you to identify how to improve your own design choices as well as the design of others.

These four Principles are Contrast, Repetition, Alignment and Proximity, which form a very amusing (if slightly unfortunate) acronym: C.R.A.P.

Follow along with the in-class demonstration or watch the attached PowerPoint presentation to learn how we’re going to use the Principles of C.R.A.P. to make things that don’t look like crap!


I can name the Principles of Design and describe what they mean by creating a document that shows what each principle looks like so I can effectively identify when these principles are (or are not) being used in a published work.


Topics Discussed:

  • Principles of Design
  • Contrast
  • Repetition
  • Alignment
  • Proximity


  1. Read “1 – README – The Joshua Tree Epiphany” silently while I read aloud in class.
  2. Read the rest of the document that introduces the four Principles of Design.
  3. Watch the C.R.A.P Design Principles Presentation for further clarification on what the principles are, how they are used, and what they look like.
  4. Visit my Google Classroom page, and complete today’s activity: Answer the questions in the “Check for Understanding 1 – The Principles of Design” form.
  5. We will go over the principles in detail this week.
  6. Make sure you understand what the four principles are, what the terms mean, what they look like, and how we use them in our documents, as we will have more Checks for Understanding later this week.

Assigned: September 4th, 2024
Teacher Pacing Due Date: September 5th, 2024



  • I can reflect on my most recent assignment by answering a brief questionnaire so that I can keep the design concepts we learned fresh and relevant in my mind.

Vocabulary Words:

  • Reflection


Topics Discussed:

  • Adobe InDesign
  • Reflection


  1. Connect to the Google Classroom site and click on the link to the Google Form at the bottom of the latest post.
  2. Use your completed Student Profile design to answer the questions in the Google Form. If you have not yet completed the Student Profile project, please use this time to complete the project and turn it in before you return to this reflection activity.
  3. You must have at least one complete sentence for each question in each prompt, but use as many sentences as you need to complete your short answer. Please use academic writing style in your responses (proper English and grammar, complete sentences, no abbreviations, “textspeak” or emojis).
  4. Once you have answered all the questions, click the Submit button at the bottom of the page. Do not click any other buttons or navigate away from the page before submitting your answers, or they may be erased. You may even wish to type your answers in a Google Doc or Word Document and then transfer them to the form.
  5. Once you have submitted your form, return to the Google Classroom assignment post, and click the Mark as Done button to mark this assignment as completed and ready for grading.
  6. When you have completed this reflection, you may use any remaining time in the class period to work on other assignments, or to complete work for other classes. Good luck, and thank you for sharing this moment of quiet reflection.

Assigned: September 3rd, 2024
Teacher Pacing Due Date: September 4th, 2024