Tag Archives: Photopea

Raster Graphics with Photopea 2020 – Selecting Portions of an Image

One of the keys to mastering digital image manipulation is efficiently and effectively using the selection tools to select portions of an image that you wish to manipulate. Let’s get started with some basic tools and techniques to select portions of an image.


Students will be able to select the right tool for any selection task by practicing with a range of different tools and selection tasks within a composite image so that they can produce more efficient and effective digital image edits.


Tutorial: Remove Background from Photo:

Tutorial: Swap Faces Online:

Topics Discussed:

  • Photopea Tutorials
  • Magic Wand Tool
  • Quick Select Tool
  • Move Tool
  • Select -> Inverse
  • Edit -> Auto Blend


Read the linked tutorials for an overview of the Selection tools we will be using today.

Using the tools and techniques demonstrated in the tutorials and discussed in class, create a composite image using the Moon image (below) as a background and the Astronaut, Alien, the Moon Buggy and the Cheese in the foreground.

Make sure each of the images has no traces of a white or black background. Name your layers appropriately. Save your file as “YOURNAME Moon Party.psd” and attach a copy to today’s assignment post in our Google Classroom.


Note: Click on the image thumbnail first to reveal the full-size image, then right-click the full-size image and choose “Save image as…” to save the file to your Desktop.


Assigned: September 18th, 2020
Teacher Pacing Due Date: September 21st, 2020

Raster Graphics – Welcome to Photopea 2020

Welcome to our Raster Graphics unit! Photopea is an incredibly powerful image creation and manipulation tool that is free to use online. It supports many of the most popular image formats, including Photoshop .PSD files.

Let’s begin our journey by exploring the Photoshop workspace, and learning about some of the new tools, palettes and control panels that are unique to Photopea.


Students will demonstrate their initial proficiency with Photopea by creating a simple composite image.


Photopea: https://photopea.com
Photopea Tutorials: https://photopea.com/learn

Topics Discussed:

  • Photopea


  • Launch Photopea by visiting the website at https://photopea.com.
  • Follow along with the in-class demonstration as we learn about the Photopea interface, and get familiar with the many tools and palettes that are available in the online application.

Assigned: September 17th, 2020
Teacher Pacing Due Date: September 18th, 2020