Tag Archives: InDesign

Fall 2015 – 4 – Design Principles – Proximity

Objective: Students will identify and explain the Principles of Design, and effectively identify when these principles are (or are not) being used in a published work.
  • none

Topics Discussed:

  • Principles of Design
  • Proximity


  1. Visit the Student Pickup Folder in the StudentsTempFiles server and open “4 – Design Principles”
  2. Read “2 – README – Proximity Chapter.pdf”.
  3. Create a new page in your existing Design Principles InDesign document, and using complete sentences, answer the questions in the “2 – QUESTIONS – Proximity.pdf” document.
  4. Save your document. We will continue making pages in this same document and turn them all in on Friday, September 4th.
Assigned: August 31st, 2015
Due Date: September 4th, 2015

Fall 2015 – 4 – The Principles of Design

Today we are going to start learning about the Principles of Design. Specifically, we will be studying four major principles that will help everything you create look better and will help you to identify how to improve your own creations and the creations of others.
Students will identify and explain the Principles of Design, and effectively identify when these principles are (or are not) being used in a published work.
  • none
Topics Discussed:

  • Principles of Design
  • Contrast
  • Repetition
  • Alignment
  • Proximity

  1. Visit the Student Pickup Folder on StudentsTempFiles and open “4 – Design Principles”
  2. Read “1 – README – The Joshua Tree Epiphany” silently while I read aloud in class.
  3. Read the rest of the document that introduces the principles of design.
  4. Create a new InDesign document with the default settings, and using complete sentences, answer the questions in the “1 – QUESTIONS – The Joshua Epiphany.pdf” document.
Assigned: August 27th, 2015
Due Date: August 28th, 2015