Tag Archives: InDesign

Student Profile Project 2016

Objective: Students will use will use all of the skills they have acquired in the previous week’s lessons to produce a document that represents them and their goals.
Topics Discussed:

  • InDesign Page Layout
  • Default Settings
  • Pages Palette
  • Layers Palette
  • Links Palette
  • Stroke Palette
  • Color Palette
  • Swatches Palette
  • Fill
  • Stroke
  • Type Tool
  • Type on a Path Tool
  • Character Palette
  • Character Formatting Controls
  • Paragraph Formatting Controls
  • Font
  • Leading
  • Kerning
  • Tracking
  • Vertical Scale
  • Horizontal Scale
  • Baseline
  • Baseline Shift
  • Skew
  • Alignment (Left, Right, Center, Justified)
  • Indent
  • Drop Cap
  1. Download the Student Profile Example and use it as your guide to completing this project. Create a new 51 pica x 66 pica document in InDesign.
  2. You must have all of these sections on your profile, with all the information listed on sample.
    1. “My Schedule”
    2. “Vital Information”
    3. “Personal History”
    4. “Favorites”
  3. You must have five pictures:
    1. Your own picture
    2. Four other pictures (you may use the internet)
  4. Headlines:
    1. Each section must have a headline describing the section.
    2. See the sections above for the four headlines for the sections that you will need 24 pt type or bigger.
    3. The largest headline will say “Student Profile: Your Name” in 36 pt or bigger type
  5. Fonts:
    1. You may only use three different fonts.
    2. The size for the text (text is all the words that aren’t headlines) is 12 point.
  6. Color:
    1. Use as much color as you want. I will be printing them in color and hanging them on the cabinets in my classroom.
  7. Design:
    1. This is your design. Do not make it look exactly like the example on the other side of this page.

Turn in your completed Student Profile .indd file, and all of the images (a minimum of five) you used to the Google Classroom assignment page by Tuesday, September 6th, 2016.

Assigned: September 1st, 2016
Teacher Pacing Due Date: September 6th, 2016

Intro to InDesign 2016 – Text and Effects


  • Identify and effectively use the functions available in the default Palettes.
  • Create and modify text using the InDesign tools.
  • Place text onto a page and format it using the Character and Paragraph Formatting Controls.


  • Default Settings
  • Pages Palette
  • Layers Palette
  • Links Palette
  • Stroke Palette
  • Color Palette
  • Swatches Palette
  • Fill
  • Stroke
  • Type Tool
  • Type on a Path Tool
  • Character Palette
  • Character Formatting Controls
  • Paragraph Formatting Controls
  • Font
  • Leading
  • Kerning
  • Tracking
  • Vertical Scale
  • Horizontal Scale
  • Baseline
  • Baseline Shift
  • Skew
  • Alignment (Left, Right, Center, Justified)
  • Indent
  • Drop Cap
Topics Discussed:
  • Adobe InDesign CS5.5


  1. Follow along with the in-class demonstration, or watch the videos in the Links section above.
  2. In your InDesign document, create two pages:
    • Page 1: Five different shapes with a different colored stroke and fill, placed on a new layer (Layer 2).
    • Page 2: Your name in 72pt type across the top of the page, and two columns of 12pt overflowed placeholder text (placed with the “Fill with Placeholder Text” command). All paragraphs should start with a 2-line Drop Cap, be Left Justified, and should be double-spaced (adjust the leading), have the tracking (space between letters), the text vertical width and horizontal height adjusted.
  3. When your document meets all the requirements, save it as “YOUR NAME – InDesign Day 2”
  4. Upload a copy to the Google Classroom assignment titled “InDesign Lesson 2 – Text and Effects”.

Assigned: August 25th, 2016
Teacher Pacing Due Date: August 30th, 2016