Tag Archives: InDesign

Intro to InDesign 2022 – Working with Type


I can use the Type tools and Palettes to create and modify type in InDesign so I can make text easier for people to read in my documents.


  • Type Tool
  • Type on a Path Tool
  • Character Palette
  • Character Formatting Controls
  • Paragraph Formatting Controls
  • Font
  • Leading
  • Kerning
  • Tracking
  • Vertical Scale
  • Horizontal Scale
  • Baseline
  • Baseline Shift
  • Skew
  • Alignment (Left, Right, Center, Justified)
  • Indent
  • Drop Cap


Add Text and Art in Frames (Video)

Apply Color to an Object (Video)

Topics Discussed:

  • Adobe InDesign CC 2021


  1. Follow along with the in-class demonstration, or watch the videos in the Links section above.
  2. In the same InDesign document that we have been working with this week, use the Pages Palette to add one additional page:
    • Page 3: Your name in 72pt type across the top of the page, and two columns of 12pt overflowed placeholder text (placed with the “Fill with Placeholder Text” command). All paragraphs should start with a 2-line Drop Cap, be Left Justified, and should be double-spaced (adjust the leading), have the tracking (space between letters), the text vertical width and horizontal height adjusted.
  3. When your document meets all the requirements, save it as “YOUR NAME – Week 2”
  4. Upload a copy to the Google Classroom assignment titled “InDesign Week 2” by end of day today, Friday, September 2nd.

Assigned: September 2nd, 2022
Teacher Pacing Due Date: September 2nd, 2022

Intro to InDesign 2022 – Pages, Palettes and Layers


  • I can use the tools InDesign to draw colored shapes, create and modify layers and arrange objects with layers so I can effectively add and arrange shapes in my documents.


  • Default Settings
  • Pages Palette
  • Layers Palette
  • Links Palette
  • Stroke Palette
  • Color Palette
  • Swatches Palette
  • Fill
  • Stroke


Add Text and Art in Frames (Video)

Apply Color to an Object (Video)

Topics Discussed:

  • Adobe InDesign CC 2022


  1. Follow along with the in-class demonstration, or watch the videos in the Links section above.
  2. Produce a new Letter size (8.5 inch x 11 inch) document.
  3. Draw a single large rectangle that covers the entire page and place it on the first layer (Layer 1). Lock this layer to make it the background.
  4. Use the Layers Palette to create a new layer (Layer 2).
  5. Draw five (5) different shapes with a different colored stroke and fill, placed on this new layer (Layer 2).
  6. When your document meets all the requirements, save it as “YOUR NAME – InDesign Week 2”
  7. We will continue working on this document tomorrow, and and turn it in by end of class on Friday, September 2nd.

Assigned: August 30th, 2022
Teacher Pacing Due Date: August 31st, 2022