Tag Archives: InDesign



  • I can reflect on my most recent assignment by answering a brief questionnaire so that I can keep the design concepts we learned fresh and relevant in my mind.

Vocabulary Words:

  • Reflection


Topics Discussed:

  • Reflection


  1. Connect to the Google Classroom site and click on the link to the Google Form at the bottom of the latest post.
  2. Use your completed Student Profile design to answer the questions in the Google Form.
  3. You must have at least one complete sentence for each question in each prompt, but use as many sentences as you need to complete your short answer.
  4. Please be specific on each question as to what exactly you did on your banner design to represent each of the four principles.
  5. Once you have answered all the questions, click the Submit button at the bottom of the page. Do not click any other buttons or navigate away from the page before submitting your answers, or they may be erased. You may even wish to type your answers in a Google Doc or Word Document and then transfer them to the form.
  6. Once you have submitted your form, return to the Google Classroom assignment post, and click the Mark as Done button to mark this assignment as completed and ready for grading.

Assigned: September 12th, 2022
Teacher Pacing Due Date: September 12th, 2022

Student Profile Project 2022


I can use InDesign to make a document that represents myself and my goals so I can prove that I can continue to use the tools in InDesign to express my unique perspective and individuality.


Topics Discussed:

  • InDesign Page Layout
  • Default Settings
  • Pages Palette
  • Layers Palette
  • Links Palette
  • Stroke Palette
  • Color Palette
  • Swatches Palette
  • Fill
  • Stroke
  • Type Tool
  • Type on a Path Tool
  • Character Palette
  • Character Formatting Controls
  • Paragraph Formatting Controls
  • Font
  • Leading
  • Kerning
  • Tracking
  • Vertical Scale
  • Horizontal Scale
  • Baseline
  • Baseline Shift
  • Skew
  • Alignment (Left, Right, Center, Justified)
  • Indent
  • Drop Cap


  1. Download the Student Profile Example and use it as your guide to completing this project. Create a new Letter size (8.5 inches x 11 inches) document in InDesign.
  2. You must have all of these sections on your profile, with all the information listed on sample.  
    1. My Schedule
    2. Vital Information
    3. Personal History
    4. Favorites
  3. You must have at least five different pictures in total. Save all pictures in a folder in the same location as your .indd file to preserve the image links.
  4. Your pictures should include:
    • A picture of yourself that clearly shows your face.
    • Four other pictures of your choice. (You may use the Internet.)
  5. Headlines:   Each section must have a headline describing the section.  
    See the sections above for the four headlines for the sections that you will need 24 pt type or bigger.
    • The largest headline will say “Student Profile: Your Name” in 36 pt or bigger type
  6. Fonts:   You may only use three different fonts.
    • The size for the body copy (all the words that aren’t headlines) is 12 point.
  7. Color:   Use as much color as you want. I will be printing them in color and hanging them on the cabinets in my classroom.
  8. Design:   This is your design. Do not make it look exactly like the example shown in class, or anybody else’s profile.

Use “File -> Adobe PDF Presets -> High Quality Print” to Export the document as a high quality Adobe PDF called “Your Name – Student Profile.PDF”, and turn in this completed file to the Google Classroom assignment page by Friday, September 9th, 2022.

Assigned: September 6th, 2022
Teacher Pacing Due Date: September 9th, 2022