Tag Archives: Illustrator

C.R.A.P. Reflection #6 – Sub Battle Project


Students will be able to reflect on the Principles of Design and how effectively they were used in my most recent assignment by answering a series of directed questions so that they can recall and revise the techniques that they used for future application.

Vocabulary Words:

  • Contrast
  • Repetition
  • Alignment
  • Proximity



Topics Discussed:

  • Reflection
  • Contrast
  • Repetition
  • Alignment
  • Proximity
  • Grid Design


  1. Connect to the Google Classroom site and click on the link to the Google Form at the bottom of the latest post.
  2. Use your completed Sub Battle design to answer the questions in the Google Form. Review your notes on the Principles of Design if you need a refresher on what each principle means.
  3. You must have at least one complete sentence for each question in each prompt, but use as many sentences as you need to complete your short answer.
  4. Please be specific on each question as to what exactly you did on your banner design to represent each of the four principles.
  5. Once you have answered all the questions, click the Submit button at the bottom of the page. Do not click any other buttons or navigate away from the page before submitting your answers, or they may be erased. You may even wish to type your answers in a Google Doc or Word Document and then transfer them to the form.
  6. Once you have submitted your form, return to the Google Classroom assignment post, and click the Mark as Done button to mark this assignment as completed and ready for grading.

Assigned: February 3rd, 2025
Teacher Pacing Due Date: February 4th, 2025



Students will be able to use the drawing tools in Illustrator to produce a submarine battle image so that they can demonstrate their knowledge of the appropriate use of the tools and techniques studied in class.

Video Link:

Review the video links in the Illustrator Week 1 and 3 lessons to refresh your memory on the use of the Shape tools, the Brush and Blob Brush tools and the Pen tool.

Topics Discussed:

  • Select Tool (Black Arrow)
  • Direct Select Tool (White Arrow)
  • Shape Tool
  • Line Tool
  • Brush Tool
  • Blob Brush Tool
  • Pen Tool
  • Anchor Points
  • Convert Anchor Point Tool
  • Pathfinder
  • Shape Builder Tool
  • Layers Palette
  • Symbols Palette
  • Arrange Documents


Create a new Illustrator Art & Illustration Letter-sized, landscape-oriented document with all the default settings and one artboard. Call it “YOUR NAME – Sub Battle”. Using the two-up Arrange Documents method we first learned in Photoshop (it works here, too), copy the yellow submarine you drew in the previous assignment to the new artboard. Then, using the tools and techniques demonstrated in the videos and discussed in class, draw an underwater battle scene that contains all of the following elements:

  • A Hero Sub (your original sub drawing)
  • Three “Bad Guy” subs (you may alter the original sub’s symbol to create these, but they must look different from the Hero!)
  • One Animal (any kind of undersea life: a fish, a starfish, a shark, a whale, a squirrel in a diving suit…)
  • One Vegetable (any kind of undersea plant: seaweed, kelp, coral (which is actually dead animal matter, but this is Graphic Design, not Marine Biology), a pineapple under the sea…)
  • One Mineral (any kind of underwater rock or rock formation: a boulder, a mountain, an undersea volcano, a mysterious cave, a stone Moai head statue…)
  • One Symbol Set, created using the Symbol Sprayer Tool. (spray some bubbles, or fish, or jellyfish?)
  • At least one gradient fill applied to a shape (gradient fills make lovely undersea backgrounds…)

All of the above mentioned elements must be hand-drawn (no professionally-drawn symbols or any art that you did not draw yourself). Use the Shape Tools with the Pathfinder palette and Shape Builder tool to draw your elements, and use the Live Paint Bucket tool to color them in! Each element must be converted to symbols and I would recommend you put each item on a separate named layer. Good luck and happy drawing!

Assigned: January 27th, 2025
Due Date: January 30th, 2025