Category Archives: Class Information

Class information and procedures

Phoenix Union District Marketing Survey

The Phoenix Union High School District (PUHSD) is starting a brand campaign to help the community understand all that Phoenix Union offers students and families. As part of the process, we want to hear about your experience with the school district. Results from the survey will guide future communication and marketing of the school district.  

Your participation is voluntary. Survey participants who complete the 10-minute survey can enter their name and email into a drawing to win one of twenty $25 Target gift cards. Please only enter your name and email address once at the end of the survey. Multiple entries will be deleted.

Please click on this link to begin:

If you have problems starting the survey, please copy the URL into your Internet browser.

We have engaged Stamats, an education market research firm to collect the data and conduct all analysis. Stamats will keep your individual answers confidential.  

The survey closes on Tuesday, April 3, 2018.

El Distrito Escolar de Phoenix Union (PUHSD) está comenzando una campaña de marca para ayudar a la comunidad a entender todo lo que Phoenix Union ofrece a los estudiantes y sus familias. Como parte del proceso, queremos escuchar su experiencia con el distrito escolar. Los resultados de la encuesta guiarán la futura comunicación y comercialización del distrito escolar.

Su participación es voluntaria. Los participantes de la encuesta que completen la encuesta de 10 minutos pueden ingresar su nombre y correo electrónico en un sorteo para ganar una de las veinte tarjetas de regalo Target de $25. Por favor, solo ingrese su nombre y dirección de correo electrónico una vez al final de la encuesta. Se eliminarán múltiples entradas.

Haga clic en este enlace para comenzar:

Si su tiene problemas para iniciar la encuesta, copie la URL en su navegador de Internet.

Hemos contratado a Stamats, una empresa de investigación de mercado de la educación para recopilar los datos y realizar todos los análisis. Stamats mantendrá sus respuestas individuales confidenciales.

La encuesta cierra el martes 3 de abril de 2018.

Computer Graphic Design 1-2 Class Information

Credit: 1

Prerequisite: Computer Fundamentals 1-2 or Computer Sci. 1-2H

Grade Level: 10, 11, 12

Instructor: Michael Marmolejo

School: Carl Hayden HS

Department: Computer Studies magnet program


Course Description:

Students create real publishing projects using a variety of computing technologies. Solutions for communications problems are reached using page layout, webpage design, graphics, digital imaging and type applications. Principles of typography and color are emphasized. Graphic design principles are used to create publications such as posters, brochures, newsletters, logos and flash animation.

Students will benefit from taking this course by learning basic principles of design and applying them in a variety of real-world applications. Students will become proficient at using the computer as a design tool, synthesizing information and using the principles of design to communicate a relevant message in an appropriate publication using computer technology.

Computer Lab Rules:

  • Come to class on time and prepared to learn with the appropriate materials.
  • Respect yourself and others, and be responsible for your actions.
  • Be considerate and follow the directions of the teacher the first time they are given.
  • Electronic devices that cause a disruption in the computer lab per school policy will be confiscated and handed over to the APS office.

Computer Lab and Internet Usage Policy:

  1. Misuse of the network: An individual may only use accounts, files, and software and computer resources authorized by the teacher. Users may not engage in activities that could compromise the security of the network. No excessive printing is allowed.
  2. Copying Software: Copying of any software, network or otherwise, is strictly prohibited. It is against the law and is punishable. Any storage media, such as flash drives, a student uses needs to be approved by the teacher.
  3. Software Privacy & Vandalism: Students will not access, read, delete, or tamper with any file that is not theirs.
  4. Care of Equipment: Students are responsible for proper care and maintenance of all equipment and furniture. Students are also responsible for immediately reporting any problems with the equipment. Students are not allowed to alter or reconfigure hardware (including the computer screen’s desktop or screen saver) without teacher permission. Students will be required to pay for any willful destruction or vandalism of equipment and/or furniture.
  5. Food and Drinks: No food or drinks are allowed in any computer labs at any time, except at designated areas.
  6. Internet Guidelines: Students are required to receive training in Internet use and etiquette. A student must always receive permission to use the Internet, and must have a specific reason to use the Internet. Any information downloaded (text or pictures) must be placed in the student drive, not on the hard drive. No software (music, games, programs, etc.) may be downloaded from the Internet. Students are not to access social media or personal e-mail accounts at school. Any site that is visited should have educational value. No pornographic sites, gang-related sites, or sites that contain illegal or degrading information or vulgar language are allowed.

Grade Scale/System:

Grades are determined by the following weight system:

80% Assignments and projects
20% Tests and assessments, including the final exam

Grades are assigned on the following scale:

90-100% = A
80-89%  = B
70-79% = C
60-69% = D
below 60% = F

Assignments are assigned a grade based on meeting the requirements, and reflecting time, effort and creativity.

Extra credit is not available. However, assignments and projects can be redone and submitted for a higher grade.

Accommodations and modifications will be made per IEP and 504 Plans.

Make-up Policy:  

The deadline for all assignments and projects is the Thursday before the end of the current semester. There is no penalty for late work, but all work should be submitted before the Thursday deadline . Students can complete any work or redo an assignment for a better grade in the computer room during advisory, lunch or before/after school, and possibly during Saturday school.

Students and parents can check their grade at any time by going to StudentVUE/ParentVUE. You can download the app for your phone or go to the website from the link at

Attendance Policy:

“Absent” is defined as nonattendance in an assigned class or activity for more than one-half of the period. (PUHSD Governing Board Policy J-1561 JHR) “Tardy” is defined as not being in the assigned class or activity when the tardy bell has finished ringing. (PUHSD Governing Board Policy J-1561 JHR)

Coming to school every day is extremely important for every student. Every effort should be made by the student to be in class on time every day. The importance of student attendance in Computer Science classes is enhanced by the project-based and computer-lab dependent nature of the classwork. Students with poor attendance stand a very low chance of success in Computer Science classes.

Contact the teacher before or after school to get help with assignments missed due to an absence. All assignments and activities are posted on the class website at as they are issued. In the event of an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to stay current with class assignments and activities.

District and school guidelines for attendance will be strictly enforced. To report an absence, call 602-764-3300