Welcome to Adobe InDesign 2018 – Interface and Tools

Welcome to our Adobe InDesign unit! Adobe InDesign is the industry-standard software for page layout. It’s what professionals use to produce all kinds of online and hardcopy publications. Today we will begin learning about the Adobe software suite, and the properties of the InDesign page layout software.


  • Identify and effectively use the Toolbar, Control Panels and default Palettes.
  • Produce and modify shapes and photo frames.
  • Place a picture into a photo frame using multiple techniques.

Vocabulary Words:

  • Default Settings
  • Toolbar
  • Control Panel
  • Palette
  • Shape Tool
  • Photo Frame Tool
  • Stroke
  • Fill
  • Place Command
Topics Discussed:
  • Adobe InDesign CC 2017


  1. Follow along with the in-class demonstration, or watch the attached videos under the Links header.
  2. Produce a new InDesign document featuring the following:
    1. At least (1) one picture of you
    2. Four (4) pictures of anything else (school appropriate!)
    3. Your name in 24pt type or larger
    4. One (1) text frame per picture, in 10pt type, explaining what the picture means to you (captions)
  3. Save the file as “Your Name – InDesign Week 1.indd” to a place where you can easily find it (like your Desktop or Documents). We will continue to work on this document on Monday.

Assigned: August 17th, 2018
Teacher Pacing Due Date: August 20th, 2018