Objective: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the principles of design by designing a flyer explaining what each principle means and visually demonstrating what each principle looks like.
Topics Discussed:
- InDesign Page Layout
- Horizontal Width
- Vertical Width
- Margins and Columns
- Principles of Design (Contrast, Repetition, Alignment and Proximity)
- Create a new one-page 51p0 x 66p0 document in InDesign CS5.5 with all the default settings.
- Use Images, Text and the Principles of Design (C.R.A.P.) that we have been studying over the last few days to design a page that lists all four principles, explains what each principle means, and visually demonstrates what each principle looks like.
- Remember the Principles of Design (C.R.A.P.): Contrast, Repetition, Alignment, and Proximity, and let them guide all your decisions as you build this page! Remember to create a strong focal point, and a strong eyeflow using the principles!
- When you are satisfied that your page layout meets all the assignment requirements, save it with your name in the filename.
- Hand in this assignment to the assignment titled “Check for Understanding – Princples of C.R.A.P.” in your Google Classroom page.
Assigned: September 9th, 2016
Teacher Pacing Due Date: September 12th, 2016
Teacher Pacing Due Date: September 12th, 2016