Check for Understanding – The Principles of C.R.A.P. 2017

Objective: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the principles of design by designing a flyer explaining what each principle means and visually demonstrating what each principle looks like.

Topics Discussed:

  • InDesign Page Layout
  • Horizontal Width
  • Vertical Width
  • Margins and Columns
  • Principles of Design (Contrast, Repetition, Alignment and Proximity)

  1. Create a new one-page 51p0 x 66p0 (8.5″ x 11″) document in InDesign CS5.5 with all the default settings.
  2. Use Images, Text and the Principles of Design (C.R.A.P.) that we have been studying over the last few days to design a page that lists all four principles, explains what each principle means, and visually demonstrates what each principle looks like.
  3. Remember the Principles of Design (C.R.A.P.): Contrast, Repetition, Alignment, and Proximity, and let them guide all your decisions as you build this page! Remember to create a strong focal point, and a strong eyeflow using the principles!
  4. When you are satisfied that your page layout meets all the assignment requirements, save it with your name in the filename.
  5. Hand in this assignment to the Assignment Post titled “Check for Understanding – Principles of C.R.A.P.” in your Google Classroom page by Monday.
Assigned: September 7th, 2017
Teacher Pacing Due Date: September 11th, 2017