Spring 2014 – 37 – Symbols, the Library and the Timeline

Thursday, April 3rd, 2014


  • Identify and produce the three types of Symbols: Movie Clip, Button and Graphic.
  • Identify the parts of the Timeline including the Playhead, Frames, Layers and Layer Controls.
  • Identify the relevant timeline icons, including a Blank Frame, a Keyframe, an Empty Keyframe, and Content Frames.

Student-Friendly Objectives:

  • I can create a Movie Clip, Button and a Graphic Symbol.
  • I can identify the parts of the Timeline including the Playhead, Frames, Layers and Layer Controls.
  • I can identify a Blank Frame, a Keyframe, an Empty Keyframe, and a Content Frame.
Understanding Frames and Keyframes:

Topics Discussed:
  • Starting a new document in Flash CS5.5 using the Welcome screen.
  • Library
  • Symbols
  • Movie Clip Symbol
  • Button Symbol
  • Graphic Symbol
  • Timeline
  • Playhead
  • Empty Frame
  • Content Frame
  • Keyframe
  • Blank Keyframe
  • Layer


  1. Produce a new Flash ActionScript 3.0 file. Name it “Your Name – Flash Day 2″
  2. Use the Shape tools we worked with yesterday to draw a shape, then convert it to a Movie Clip Symbol using the technique demonstrated in the video.
  3. Repeat this process to create a Button Symbol and a Graphic Symbol.
  4. Turn in the completed “Your Name – Flash Day 2.fla” file to folder “37 – Flash Day 2 – Symbols” in your period’s subfolder by the end of today.

Assigned: April 3rd, 2013
Due Date: April 3rd, 2013