Tag Archives: Logo Design

Logo Design Step 4 – Sketching and Conceptualizing

Objective: I can produce five sketches of possible logos for our client based on research I have gathered from online resources and client feedback.

Web Links:

Presentation: The Logo Design Process of Top Graphic Designers
(The Eight Step Logo Design Process)

Presentation: Native American Code Writers Program

Google Search: “Native American Code Writers”

Google Image Search: “Native American Organization Logos”

Google Image Search: “Computer Science Logos”

Topics Discussed:

  • Eight Step Logo Design Process
    • Step 4 – Sketching/Conceptualizing
    • Step 5 – Reflection


Step 4 – Sketching/Conceptualizing

Once your research has been completed, you should begin developing logo concept sketches. These should be very rough sketches – do not go overboard on the artwork at this point. Your artwork should be just enough to clearly show the visual concept you are working on.

By the end of the day on Friday, you will need to produce a minimum of five different logo design concepts. These should each be separate and distinct logo ideas, don’t just produce five versions of the same design. Use this time to visually brainstorm ideas, and to get the ideas in your head out on paper. You should do these sketches with traditional tools (pencil, pen, marker) on paper. DO NOT USE ILLUSTRATOR YET! You may use any  traditional media, so long as you have five different concepts by the due date.

Remember: these are sketches only! You will select a single concept next week to work on as your final logo design, and only at that time should you put your best artistic effort into the work.

When you have finished your five sketches, turn them in to the wire basket on my front table. Then, proceed to Step 5: Reflection – Relax, and reflect on your design work, take the weekend to get some good rest, and be ready to resume work with fresh eyes on Monday!

Assigned: April 6th, 2023
Teacher Pacing Due Date: April 7th, 2023

Logo Design Steps 2 and 3 – Research and Visual Research

Objective: I can conduct online research to inform and guide my logo design development.

Web Links:

Presentation: The Logo Design Process of Top Graphic Designers
(The Eight Step Logo Design Process)

Presentation: Native American Code Writers Program

Google Search: “Native American Code Writers”

Google Image Search: “Native American Organization Logos”

Google Image Search: “Computer Science Logos”

Topics Discussed:

  • Eight Step Logo Design Process
  • Step 2 – Research
  • Step 3 – Visual Research


Today we will continue working on our logo design for our client, the Native American Code Writers Program (NACWP), by proceeding through Steps 2 and 3 of the Eight Step Logo Design Process: Research and Visual Research, which if done correctly, will go hand-in-hand.

On Friday, we completed Step 1 – The Design Brief, in which we developed up to ten open-ended questions to be submitted to our clients to help determine what they might want in their logo. All completed questions were successfully submitted to our clients, and we should be receiving responses by the end of this week. If you completed your questions, you will receive your responses in the comments of your completed assignment.

If you did not complete the questions, you will be at a slight disadvantage as we proceed through the design competition, but you should still do your best to produce a logo design that you think meets the client’s needs based on what you can learn about them through the research you conduct in today’s activity.

Step 2 – Research

Use the web to research the Native American Code Writers Program. Use Google, or any other search engine that you prefer and collect as much information as you can about the NACWP and its operations in Arizona. Remember that the NACWP is sponsored by the Arizona Department of Education and the Arizona Science Center, so you may wish to include these groups in your search to help ensure that any information you collect is correct and specifically relevant to our client.

Use a Google Doc to collect notes and useful links. (Note: You will not turn in this Google Doc, but it is useful to keep all your notes and links in one place for easier reference later.)

Side note: In our CyberSecurity classes, we call this Reconnaissance, and the information that we gather from the web is referred to as Open Source Intelligence

Step 3 – Visual Research

As you conduct your online research, keep an eye out for any logos or designs on the websites to get an idea of what kinds of logos other teams are using. What kind of shapes, symbols, colors and typefaces are used in the logos and materials of other organizations dedicated to supporting Native Americans?

Try doing a Google Image Search for “Native American Organization Logos” and see what you come up with. Seeing what kind of logos other Native American associations have developed will aid you in making your own design decisions when it comes time to produce your logo concepts later this week.

Add any useful information you find to your Google Doc notes. We will use this information in conjunction with the answers we receive from our client to your Design Brief questions on Thursday, when we proceed to Step 4 of the eight-step process: Sketching and Conceptualizing!

Assigned: April 3rd, 2023
Teacher Pacing Due Date: April 4th, 2023