Tag Archives: InDesign



I can use InDesign, Photoshop and the Principles of Design to create an effective advertisement for a real-world holiday attraction.


The North Pole Experience: https://www.northpoleexperience.com/
The Polar Express: https://www.thetrain.com/events/polar-express/
Glendale Glitters 2022: https://www.glendaleaz.com/play/special_events___festivals/special_events/events/glendale_glitters_-_2022
Las Noches de las Luminarias: https://dbg.org/events/las-noches-de-las-luminarias-2/2022-12-01/
Zoolights: https://www.phoenixzoo.org/events/zoolights/

Topics Discussed:

Principles of Design
“Picture in Text” using Clipping Mask from Layer technique
Photoshop Image Manipulation
Composite Image


  • Choose one of the holiday attractions above, and design an advertisement to promote it.
  • You will design the ad in InDesign, using images edited in Photoshop.
  • Design the advertisement using the text provided on the instruction sheet attached to the bottom of this post.
  • After you read the text, go to the websites and read about the holiday attractions to get ideas on what to do with your advertisement design.
  • The title text must use the “picture in text” technique. You must use Photoshop to make the “picture in text” titles using Clipping Masks.
  • You must combine a minimum of three (3) pictures (clip art or found on the Web) in Photoshop to make a convincing Composite Image
  • Must demonstrate use of contrast through a dominant image
  • Use the Principles of Design (C.R.A.P.) to determine how you organize and place your graphics and text.
  • The text can use be used in any order that you think makes the most sense.
  • Ad size: 11″ x 17″ (landscape)
  • Limit your design to two fonts only
  • When choosing what information to include, don’t forget to answer the 5 W’s and the H (Who, What, Where, When, Why and How) in your advertisement! Use the official websites to get this information, and don’t make stuff up!
  • Export the file as a High Quality Print format .PDF (File -> Adobe PDF Presets -> High Quality Print) and save the resulting .PDF file to the “Holiday Advertisement 2022” assignment posting on the Google Classroom page by Friday, December 2nd. Note: If you do this correctly, you do not need to turn in the .indd file or your images!
  • On Monday the 5th (the I-Day), we will do an online reflection writing activity in our Google Classroom that will ask how you used the Principles of Design in this assignment, so make sure you remember your C.R.A.P. (Contrast, Repetition, Alignment and Proximity)!


Christmas Advertisement Instruction Sheet

Christmas Ad Grading Rubric

Assigned: November 28th, 2022
Teacher Pacing Due Date: December 2nd, 2022



I can use Photoshop image repair tools to fix a “Photoshop Disaster”.  


Google Image Search Result: “Photoshop Fail”

Topics Discussed:

  • Photoshop Disasters
  • Photoshop Image Repair


In our last assignment, we tested our acquired Photoshop skills by building a composite image using several smaller images. Today, we are going to look at some examples of Photoshop alterations gone horribly wrong. By the end of the week, we are going to use our skills to recover some of these “Photoshop Disasters”.  

  1. Visit the link above, or do a Google search for “Photoshop Disasters”. Look through the examples of “Photoshop Disasters”, have a good laugh, and select one that you think you can correct using the image repair techniques we have studied in class. (Keep it school appropriate!)
  2. Save a copy of this photo to your Documents, and open it in Photoshop.
  3. Apply whatever modifications you feel are necessary to make the image look more realistic, or to fix the obvious problem. The final image should look more realistic than the original, so pay close attention to detail. The final image should be realistic and convincing, not just “less bad”.
  4. Save your corrected image with a different filename than the original.
  5. Create a new InDesign document. Save it with your name and “Photoshop Disaster Recovery”.
  6. Place both the original image and your corrected version into the InDesign document. Label the original and the corrected version, and use lines and shapes to point out exactly where the changes were made.
  7. On the same page, write a few sentences explaining the exact process you followed to correct the image in Photoshop. Use the correct terminology and tool names. (Did you use the Healing Brush Tool? The Spot Healing Brush Tool? The Patch Tool? Did you use a Lasso Selection? A Quick Selection? The Magic Wand? Did you have to manipulate Layers? Did you have to flatten Layers? Did you have to Scale portions of the image?)
  8. When you are satisfied with the images and your explanation, Export the InDesign document as a High Quality Print format .PDF (File -> Adobe PDF Presets -> High Quality Print) and save the resulting .PDF file to your Desktop. You will turn in this file with the original and corrected images. Note: If you do this correctly, you do not need to turn in the .indd file!
  9. Save both your original and corrected image, and the High Quality .PDF file (3 files total) into a new folder with your name on it, and upload a copy of all three to today’s Google Classroom assignment post  by end of day on Friday, November 18th.

Assigned: November 15th, 2022
Teacher Pacing Due Date: November 18th, 2022