Tag Archives: Illustrator

Logo Design: The Six Principles of Great Logo Design

Objective: I can identify and explain the six principles that make a logo design effective.

Web Links:

Logobird: The Principles of Good Logo Design
Six Principles of Great Logos
Canva.com: 50 Logos with Hidden Meanings

Topics Discussed:

Six Principles of Great Logo Design


Review the Logobird website to identify and define the six principles of good logo design. A good logo should be: simple, distinctive, relevant, memorable, versatile and timeless. Use the website to determine the meanings of these terms and add these words and their definitions to your vocabulary list. We will review these definitions and apply them next week as we explore the logo design process.

  1. Create a new Web document in Illustrator with a single default-sized artboard.
  2. For each of the six principles:
    • Create a headline in Point Type with the vocabulary word itself
    • Use Area Type to write the definition of the vocabulary word. Use complete sentences and your own words (do not copy and paste).
    • You should have a headline and a complete sentence definition for each of the six principles of good logo design.
  3. Next, create a headline in Point Type with the words “My Favorite Logo“.
  4. Use an image search engine like Google Image Search to find a picture of your favorite logo. Place this picture below the headline.
  5. Next, use Area Type to write a few sentences answering the following questions:
    • What does this logo represent? (company, sports team, club, etc.)
    • Does it meet all of the six principles of great logo design?
    • Describe how it meets at least one of the six principles. (Is it the most simple, distinctive, relevant, memorable, versatile or timeless of logos?)
    • Why is this your favorite logo?
  6. Save this document and upload a copy to today’s Google Classroom post to receive credit for today’s activity.

Assigned: March 23rd, 2023
Teacher Pacing Due Date: March 24th, 2023

Logo Design: Introduction to Logo Design Spring 2023

Welcome to our Illustrator Logo Design unit! In this unit, we’ll study the criteria that make a logo great and we’ll learn about the logo design process, in which we use research, conceptualization and our acquired knowledge of design, typography, shape, symbolism and color theory to produce logos that meet all the criteria that define great logo design.

Objective: To introduce the six principles of good logo design.

Student Friendly Objective: I can identify and explain the six principles of good logo design.

Web Link:

Six Principles of Great Logos

Topics Discussed:

  • Six Principles of Great Logos
  • Simple
  • Distinctive
  • Relevant
  • Memorable
  • Versatile
  • Timeless


Review the slideshow embedded below on the Six Principles of Great Logo Design. We will discuss the presentation and go in depth with each of the six principles in class.


Open Six Principles of Great Logos

Assigned: March 20th, 2023