Tag Archives: Flash

Spring 2015 – 40 – Animating Within a Symbol


  • Produce a Flash animation using animation embedded within a Symbol object.

Student-Friendly Objective:

  • I can create an animation using embedded frames of animation within a Symbol object in Flash.
Video Link:


Topics Discussed:
  • Starting a new document in Flash CS5.5 using the Welcome screen.
  • Oval Primitive
  • Symbols
  • Isolation Mode
  • Embedded Animation
  • Motion Tweens
  • Keyframes
  • Layers


  1. Produce a new Flash ActionScript 3.0 file. Name it “Your Name – Flash Day 6″. Set the FPS to 30 and the Stage size to 800 x 600.
  2. Use the Oval Primitive Tool to draw a Pac Man shape. Convert this shape to a Symbol using any of the techniques we learned last week. Make the Symbol a Movie Clip, and name it “Pac Man”.
  3. Double-click on the Pac Man Symbol to enter Isolation Mode. Confirm that you are in Isolation Mode by looking at the grey bar across the top of the screen (it should read “Scene 1 – Pac Man”).
  4. Notice the timeline – it should currently have only one Keyframe. Click on Frame 3 and press F6 on your keyboard to create a copy of the first Keyframe.
  5. With Frame 3 still selected, close Pac-Man’s “mouth” by moving the opening and closing control points of the Oval Primitive to close the shape. This will establish a “closed mouth” pose on Frame 3 of your animation.
  6. Select Frame 5 on the Timeline. Press F6 on the keyboard to create a copy of the Keyframe from Frame 3.
  7. With Frame 5 still selected, open Pac-Man’s “mouth” by moving the opening and closing control points to their original positions.
  8. Slide the Timebar back and forth to test your animation. Pac-Man should now open and close his mouth rapidly.
  9. Double click on the Pasteboard (the gray area outside the stage) to get out of Isolation Mode and  return to Scene 1. Notice how the timeline changed. (Your animation didn’t disappear, it’s still embedded in the Symbol definition. You can see it again by double-clicking on the symbol.)
  10. Apply a Motion Tween to your Pac Man Symbol to move it across the stage. Scrub the timebar to test the animation. Notice how you do not see the mouth animation (Pac Man does not “wocka” when you scrub the timebar!).
  11. Press Command + Return (Ctrl + Enter on the PC) to test your movie. Pac-Man should now move across the stage and the embedded mouth animation should be visible.
  12. Your work is complete when you have Pac-Man “wockaing” across the stage.
  13. Save your work. Turn in the completed “Your Name – Flash Day 6.fla” file to folder “40 – Flash Day 6 – Animating Within a Symbol” in your period’s subfolder by the end of today.

Assigned: April 30th, 2015
Due Date: May 1st, 2015


Spring 2015 – 39 – Using the Motion Editor / Motion Presets


  • Refine Motion Tween animation using the Motion Editor.
  • Produce Motion Tweens using the Motion Presets panel.

Student-Friendly Objective:

  • I can use the Motion Editor to adjust my Motion Tweens.
  • I can use to Motion Presets panel to create pre-built Motion Tweens.
Video Links:

Using the Motion Editor:

Topics Discussed:
  • Starting a new document in Flash CS5.5 using the Welcome screen.
  • Frame Rate
  • Stage Properties
  • Shapes
  • Tweens
  • Motion Tweens
  • Motion Editor
  • Motion Presets
  • Keyframes
  • Layers


  1. Produce a new Flash ActionScript 3.0 file. Name it “Your Name – Flash Day 5″. Make sure the FPS is set to 30 and the Stage size is set to 800 x 600.
  2. Use the Shape tools to draw a shape. Convert this shape to a Symbol using any of the techniques we previously learned.
  3. Apply any of the Default Presets in the Motion Presets panel to this symbol. Note that some presets extend the timeline automatically.
  4. Create a new layer and place a new instance of your symbol on the stage.
  5. Use the process we learned on Monday to create a Motion Tween animation.
  6. Open the Motion Editor tab, as demonstrated in today’s video. Use the Motion Editor to customize your motion tween. Apply at least one animated transformation and one animated Color Effect or Filter.
  7. Open the Motion Presets panel as demonstrated in today’s second video. Use the technique demonstrated in the video to save your customized animation as a Custom Preset.
  8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 three more times. You should have a total of five layers: one with a Motion Preset and four with custom animated transformations produced with the Motion Editor when you are finished.
  9. Save your work. Turn in the completed “Your Name – Flash Day 5.fla” file to folder “39 – Flash Day 5 – Motion Editor/Presets” in your period’s subfolder by the end of day today.

Assigned: April 27th, 2015
Due Date: April 27th, 2015