Tag Archives: Flash

Spring 2016 – 37 – Introduction to Flash Professional

Welcome to Adobe Flash Professional!
Where Adobe Illustrator is the industry standard vector graphics drawing program, Adobe Flash has been the industry standard in rich media production for the past decade. Flash allows its users to produce everything from basic animations to interactive multimedia experiences, to applications such as games. We are going to spend the next couple of weeks learning about the program and exploring its relationship to Illustrator.
  • Identify the elements of the Flash interface, including the Stage, Timeline, Panels and Tool Panel.
  • Produce Rectangle, Rectangle Primitive, Oval, Oval Primitive and Polystar shapes, and discuss their properties.
  • Explain the difference between shapes drawn with Object Drawing enabled, and those without.
  • Explain the difference between Shape Primitives and standard Shapes.

Student Friendly Objectives:

  • I can  identify the elements of the Flash interface.
  • I can produce shapes using the Flash tools.
  • I can explain the difference between a shape drawn with Object Drawing enabled and disabled.
  • I can explain the difference between a Shape Primitive and a standard Shape.

Video Links:

Understanding the Flash Environment:

Topics Discussed:
  • Start a new document in Flash CS5.5 using the Welcome screen.
  • Stage
  • Timeline
  • Panels
  • Tool Panel
  • Rectangle Tool
  • Rectangle Primitive Tool
  • Oval
  • Oval Primitive Tool
  • Polystar Tool
  • Object Drawing


  1. Produce a single Flash ActionScript 3.0 file. Name it “Your Name – Flash Week 1″
  2. Edit the properties of the Stage to make a 30fps, 800 x 600 pixel stage for animation. Change the color of the stage to any color you like (other than the default white).
  3. Use the Shape tools to draw examples of the following shapes:
    1. Rectangle
    2. Rectangle Primitive
    3. Oval
    4. Oval Primitive
    5. Polystar Polygon
    6. Polystar Star
    7. Two overlapping Object drawn shapes (representing the properties of Objects)
    8. Two overlapping Merge drawn shapes, where one shape takes a “bite” out of the other
  4. Turn in the completed “Your Name – Flash Week 1.fla” file to folder “37 – Flash Week 1″ in your period’s subfolder by the end of Friday.

Assigned: April 7th, 2016
Due Date: April 8th, 2016

Spring 2015 – 43 – Final Project

Your acquired design skills have allowed you to produce a number of professional looking documents in numerous formats. Your goal in this final project is to collect the best of these documents, format them for display on the web and produce a Flash animation that showcases your best design work of the year.


  • Produce a Flash animation using Motion Tweens and Keyframes.
  • Utilize sound in Flash movies.
  • Export images for the Web.
  • Import images and sound to the Stage or the Library.
Student-Friendly Objective:

  • I can produce a complete Flash animation using Motion Tweens and Keyframes that showcases my best design work of the year.

Video Link:


Topics Discussed:
  • Import
  • Extend Timeline
  • Keyframes
  • Layers



  • First, look through all of your completed assignments and choose the three that represent your best work in this class.
  • Next, using the Adobe Flash techniques studied in class, design a Flash animation that showcases each of the assignments you have chosen.
  • Create an 800×600 ActionScript 3.0 animation with 30 FPS.
  • Export an example of your chosen assignment from the program you used to produce it, and import it into your Flash animation’s Library.
  • Use Motion Tween animations and text to showcase each assignment.
  • For each assignment, you should have the following information:
    1. The name of the assignment (i.e. Christmas Ad)
    2. The program you used to produce the assignment (i.e. Adobe InDesign CS5, Adobe Photoshop CS5)
    3. The date the assignment was completed.
    4. A sentence or two describing what you think you did best on the assignment. (What do you like best about the work? What made you select it as one of your best works?)
    5. A sentence or two describing what you think you could have done better on the assignment. (What could you have done better if you had more time, put in more effort, or used a different technique?)
  • Select a music clip to import as background music for your animation, import it into your Flash animation’s Library and place it into your animation’s timeline so it plays along with your animation.
  • Your animation should use as many frames as you need to showcase your three projects. Preview it to make sure it plays properly. (Make sure the audience has enough time to read your information! Try to read it out loud to make sure you have enough time and extend the number of animation frames if it goes by too quickly.)
  • You may only use audio, images and text that you have created yourself. This includes music, artwork, photographs and animations. Anything you did not create yourself may not be used.
  • Be creative! Make your animation interesting. Mister M has a very short attention span…
  • The completed .fla file for this assignment is due in folder number 43 by end of day on Friday, May 15th for seniors, and Monday, May 18th for all others.

Assigned: May 11th, 2015
Due Date: May 18th, 2015