Tag Archives: Fall 2018

C.R.A.P. Reflection – Holiday Advertisement 2018


  • I can reflect on the Principles of Design and how effectively they were used in my most recent project.

Vocabulary Words:

  • Contrast
  • Repetition
  • Alignment
  • Proximity

Topics Discussed:
  • Reflection
  • Contrast
  • Repetition
  • Alignment
  • Proximity
  • Grid Design


  1. Connect to the Google Classroom site and click on the link to the Google Form at the bottom of the latest post.
  2. Use your completed Holiday Advertisement design to answer the questions in the Google Form. Review your notes on the Principles of Design if you need a refresher on what each principle means.
  3. You must have at least one complete sentence for each question in each prompt, but use as many sentences as you need to complete your short answer.
  4. Please be specific on each question as to what exactly you did on your banner design to represent each of the four principles.
  5. Once you have answered all the questions, click the Submit button at the bottom of the page. Do not click any other buttons or navigate away from the page before submitting your answers, or they may be erased. You may even wish to type your answers in a Google Doc or Word Document and then transfer them to the form.
  6. Once you have submitted your form, return to the Google Classroom assignment post, and click the Mark as Done button to mark this assignment as completed and ready for grading.

Assigned: December 4th, 2018
Teacher Pacing Due Date: December 5th, 2018

Adobe Photoshop – Holiday Advertisement 2018


I can use InDesign, Photoshop and the Principles of Design to create an effective advertisement for a real-world holiday attraction.


The North Pole Experience: https://www.northpoleexperience.com/
The Polar Express: https://www.thetrain.com/special-events/the-polar-express/
Glendale Glitters: https://www.glendaleaz.com/glitters/
Las Noches de las Luminarias:  https://www.dbg.org/events/las-noches-de-las-luminarias-0
Zoolights:  https://phoenixzoo.org/event-items/zoolights/

Topics Discussed:

Principles of Design
“Picture in Text” using Clipping Mask from Layer technique
Photoshop Image Manipulation
Composite Image


  • Choose one of the holiday attractions above, and design an advertisement to promote it.
  • You will design the ad in InDesign, using images edited in Photoshop.
  • Design the advertisement using the text provided on the instruction sheet attached to the bottom of this post.
  • After you read the text, go to the websites and read about the holiday attractions to get ideas on what to do with your advertisement design.
  • The title text must use the “picture in text” technique. You must use Photoshop to make the “picture in text” titles using Clipping Masks.
  • You must combine a minimum of three (3) pictures (clip art or found on the Web) in Photoshop to make a convincing Composite Image
  • Must demonstrate use of contrast through a dominant image
  • Use the Principles of Design (C.R.A.P.) to determine how you organize and place your graphics and text.
  • The text can use be used in any order that you think makes the most sense.
  • Ad size: 11″ x 17″ (landscape)
  • Limit your design to two fonts only
  • Upload all pictures that you used in the design and the InDesign file  with your name on it to the Holiday Ad assignment posting on the Google Classroom page by Monday, December 3rd.


Christmas Advertisement Instruction Sheet

Christmas Ad Grading Rubric

Assigned: November 26th, 2017
Teacher Pacing Due Date: December 3rd, 2018