Tag Archives: Animate

Adobe Animate – Bone Tweens


  • I can create a HTML5 animation using Inverse Kinematics, a.k.a. Bone Tweens.

How to Use the Bone Tool to Create Animation

Topics Discussed:

  • New Animate CC document
  • Shapes
  • Symbols
  • Registration Point
  • Tweens
  • Bone Tweens
  • IK Chains
  • IK Shapes
  • Keyframes
  • Layers


  1. Produce a new HTML5 Canvas file. Name it “Your Name – Bone Tweens”. Set the FPS to 30 and the Stage size to Standard HD.
  2. Use the Shape tools to draw a shape. Convert this shape to a Symbol using any of the techniques we learned last week, and place five instances (copies) of this symbol on your Stage in a straight line.
  3. Use the process demonstrated in class (and in the videos) to create an IK Chain. Use the Bone Tool to draw Bones between the Registration Points (Center) of each of the five symbols. Note that as you add each Symbol to the IK Chain, it is moved from its original layer to the “Armature” layer that was automatically created when you linked the first two Symbols with the Bone Tool.
  4. Use the process demonstrated in class and in the tutorial to move and animate the IK Chain. (Note: This works just like a Motion Tween!)
  5. Create a new layer and draw a long thin horizontal rectangle. (Note: Do NOT make this a Symbol!)
  6. Select the Bone Tool. Starting from the left side of the rectangle, draw a bone from the left edge of the rectangle, about a fifth of the way across. Repeat this process until you have five bones linking the left edge of the rectangle to the right edge of the rectangle.
  7. Drag the last bone in the chain to transform the shape. You now have an IK Shape object. Animate a transformation (Curling, Waving, etc.)
  8. Finally, use the PolyStar Tool to draw a large, thin star. Use the Options to give the star at least five points and thin arms.
  9. Select the Bone Tool and starting from the center of the Star, draw four bones radiating from the center to the outer tip of the top arm.
  10. Repeat this process, starting from the center of the star each time, for each of the remaining four arms.
  11. Animate a separate transformation (Curling, Waving, etc.) for each of the five arms. (Make the star dance!)
  12. When you are finished, you should have three different IK animations (IK Chain, IK Shape, IK Star).
  13. Save your work. Upload the completed “Your Name – Bone Tweens.fla” file to today’s Google Classroom post “Bone Tweens” by the end of today.

Assigned: May 9th, 2023
Teacher Pacing Due Date: May 11th, 2023

Animate CC: Working with Sound


  •  I can import and use sound in my Animate CC animations, and use the Sound Properties window to change the compression level of sounds.

Tutorial Link:

How to Use Sounds in Animate CC

Required Files:

Pac-Man Music: PacmanSong.mp3

Pac-Man “Wocka”: Wocka2sec.mp3

Pac-Man Eats the Fruit: PacmanEatFruit.mp3

Topics Discussed:

  • Import
  • Extend Timeline
  • Keyframes
  • Layers


  1. If you have not yet completed the “Pac-Man Quiz” animation we started last week, you should do so before attempting this assignment.
    1. Refer to Motion Tweens and Animating Within a Symbol: Make Pac-Man Move and Chomp! if you still need to know how to make Pac-Man move and make his mouth open and close while he moves.
    2. Refer to Animate CC Review and “Quiz” if you need to know what the Pac-Man animation should look like when you’re finished and ready to start today’s Lesson.
  2. Locate the audio files at the top of this posting. You will find the Pac-Man Music: “pacman_beginning.wav” and the Pac-Man Wocka Sound: “pacman_chomp.wav”
  3. Access today’s tutorial link and read through the information on Using Sounds in Animate CC on the Adobe website. Use the information provided to embed these audio clips into your animation. Extend the timelines to accommodate the “PacmanSong” audio file length. Try to match the “Wocka2sec” sound to when Pac-Man eats the dots by moving the audio clips in the timeline to match the keyframes on the Dots layer.
  • If you don’t have dots for Pac-Man to eat, add some!
  • Remember you’ll need to use keyframes to get Pac-Man to eat the dots.
  • The “PacmanEatFruit” sound is provided in case you want to add Pac Man eating the fruit like I did in the in-class example. It is not a requirement, just a stretch goal if you want to take on the challenge!

Save your work as “Your Name – PacManSound.fla”. Turn in your completed animation (now with embedded sound) titled “Your Name – PacManSound.fla” to Today’s Google Classroom assignment post by the end of the day on Tuesday.

Assigned: May 8th, 2023
Due Date: May 9th, 2023