Category Archives: Computer Graphic Design

Computer Graphic Design Assignments and Information


Today we will continue exploring typography, which is the art of arranging type to make language visible. To fully understand typography, we will explore many different aspects of type, including the history of typography and how it has evolved throughout different time periods and developed in the digital age. In today’s assignment we will discover and investigate four of the major categories of type.


  • I can identify and explain the four major categories of typefaces by creating a document that displays and defines all four categories so I can better understand Typography as a technique for communication and as an art form.

Vocabulary Words:

  • Type
  • Typeface
  • Font
  • Serif
  • Sans Serif
  • Script
  • Ornamental/Decorative/Display
  • Typography
  • Typeface versus Font
  • Digital Typography
  • Font Foundries
  • Free vs. Paid Fonts
  • Online Typeface Resources


Wikipedia – Typography

Wikipedia – Typeface

Wikipedia – Font

Paratype – Typeface Classification – Type Classifications – Free Fonts

Topics Discussed:

  • Serif Fonts
  • Sans Serif Fonts
  • Script Fonts
  • Ornamental/Decorative/Display Fonts
  • Online Typeface Resources


  1. Using the web addresses above, find the definitions for each of the following:
    serif type
    sans serif type
    script type
    ornamental/display type
  2. On your upper right artboard, create a large headline for each category, and a one sentence explanation of the definition.
  3. Include a sample image to show me what each of the four type categories looks like.
  4. Make sure all four definition groups fit on the second artboard!
  5. Save your document. We will continue to work on this document throughout this week and into next week.


Searching For Type Example


Assigned: February 25th, 2025
Teacher Pacing Due Date: February 26th, 2025

Adobe Illustrator Typography: Type Tools

Welcome to our Typography unit!

Starting today, we are going to explore Typography and the use of type in Illustrator. We will discuss what Typography is and why it is so important to graphic design. We will explore the different ways that type can be created and modified within Illustrator, and we will use our knowledge of color and shape to explore new ways to communicate with letters and words.


Students will be able to identify, explain and create Point Type, Area Type and Type on a Path in Illustrator.

Student Friendly Objective:

I can use the text tools in Illustrator to create Point Type, Area Type and Type on a Path.

Video Links:

Creating Text:

Creating Type on a Path:

Topics Discussed:

  • Type Tool
  • Point Type
  • Area Type
  • Overset Type
  • Type on a Path
  • Vertical Type
  • Vertical Area Type
  • Vertical Type on a Path


Create a new Illustrator Web document with four default-sized artboards. Save this document as “YOUR NAME – Type Week”. We will use this document throughout the week to practice with the Type tools in Illustrator.

Read the “Creating Text” tutorial video in the link provided above. Follow the tutorial to learn how to create point type and area type using the Type Tool.

  1. After you have watched the tutorial, go to the first (upper left) artboard in your new document.
  2. If you followed along with the tutorial, you should already have Point Type and Path Type created. If not, create an example of each now using the Type Tool.
  3. Read the “Creating Type on a Path” document at the link provided above. Follow the steps to learn how to create text that attaches to lines and shapes using the Type on a Path Tool.
  4. Hold the mouse button down on the Type Tool to reveal the other Type tools: the Area Type Tool, the Type on a Path Tool, the Vertical Type Tool, theVertical Area Type Tool and the Vertical Type on a Path Tool.
  5. Try each of these tools, and show an example of each on your artboard. Make sure all your examples fit on one artboard.
  6. Your artboard should include an example of each of the following:
    • Point Type
    • Area Type
    • Type on a Path
    • Area Type inside a Shape (use the Shape Tool to draw your shape, and click on the path with the regular Type Tool)
    • Overset Type (type that flows from one Type Area to another)
    • Vertical Point Type
    • Vertical Area Type
    • Vertical Type on a Path
  7. Save your document. We will continue to work with this document throughout the week.

Assigned: February 24th, 2025
Teacher Pacing Due Date: February 25th, 2025