
  • Produce a complete HTML5 animation in Adobe Animate CC using all the techniques studied over the past two weeks.

Student-Friendly Objective:

  • I can produce a complete HTML5 animation using all the techniques we studied in class.

Video Link:

See video links attached to the previous lessons for review.

Topics Discussed:

  • For a complete list of Topics Discussed, please see the previous lessons starting with March 14th, 2022.


  1. Open the “Pac-Man” animation produced in the “Animating with Keyframes – Eat Some Dots!” lesson. Your Pac-Man symbol should now cross the Stage once, “eating” all six dots along the way. If you still need to complete this animation, review the previous lessons for instructions on how to do this.
  2. Today, your objective is to complete this animation by adding a Red Ghost chasing Pac-Man across the stage to the right, then having Pac-Man chase a Blue Ghost to the left. You will need to utilize Symbols, Layers, Keyframes and Motion Tweens to achieve this. You may use any resources you have available to you to determine the best way to do this. Examples of resources include: This website and the previous lessons, The Adobe Animate Learn & Support video series linked from the previous lesson pages, The Animate tutorials video series on the Adobe website, Google Search, and your neighbors.
  3. The animation should not be more than 128 frames of animation.
  4. Press Command + Return (Ctrl + Enter on the PC) to test your movie.
    • Pac-Man should move across the stage (with the embedded mouth “chomping” animation)
    • Pac-Man should “eat” all six of the dots
    • Pac-Man should be chased by a Red Ghost monster to the right side of the stage. Both Pac-Man and the Red Ghost should exit the stage on the right hand side.
    • Pac-Man should chase a Blue Ghost monster onto the stage, cross the stage, and exit the stage on the left hand side.
    • The entire animation should be completed in no more than 128 frames.
  5. Save your work. Turn in the completed “Pac Man Quiz.fla” file to today’s Google Classroom post “Pac Man Quiz” by Thursday, March 31st.

Extension Activity

  1. If you complete the quiz objectives early, then you are issued the following challenge:
    • Can you make Pac-Man eat a flashing Power Pellet and turn the Red Ghost into a Blue Ghost before chasing him off the stage?
      • Hint: The flashing Power Pellet can be achieved with keyframes or Motion Presets.

Good Luck! Assigned: March 28th, 2022
Due Date: March 31st, 2022