Class Fair Exit Ticket – 2017-2018 Classes


  • Guide students to the Magnet class that is best suited to their interests.

Student-Friendly Objectives:

  • I can confirm which class I signed up for from the Magnet Program offerings for next year.


Class Fair Exit Ticket

Topics Discussed:

  • The Center for Computer Studies Magnet Program
  • Magnet Classes
  • 2017-2018 Registration


I hope you had fun at the Class Fair on Friday! Please take a few moments to help the Magnet Program coordinators out by filling out the form below. We need to know what Computer Science courses you selected, so we can start making plans for next year.

Class Fair Exit Ticket

If you don’t remember what class or classes you signed up for,  just let me know, and I’ll help you remember. If you didn’t sign up for a computer class, let us know on the form why not.

If you would still like to join the Magnet Program, and receive all the exclusive benefits of being a Magnet student, please see Ms. Jones in Room 204 to get a T-3 form and become a Magnet Student today!

Also, don’t forget your final logo design is due on the Google Classroom page today! Make sure you get it turned in, because we start a new unit featuring Adobe Animate tomorrow!

Posted: March 27th, 2017