Objective: I can use clipping masks and adjustment layers to make a selected portion of a color image appear black-and-white.
Video Link:
Photoshop Selective Colour / Colour Splash Effect: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqr-DdJMq8w
Topics Discussed:
- Magic Wand
- Tolerance
- Contiguous Selection
- Black & White Adjustment Layer
- Clipping Mask
Open the “bouquet.jpg” file below in Photoshop. Use the Magic Wand selection technique demonstrated in class to select the red elements in the photograph (the flowers and the berries). Inverse the selection and apply a Black & White Adjustment Layer to turn everything except the flowers black and white. You may also apply a Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer to change the color of the flowers, or a Brightness/Contrast Adjustment Layer to lighten the flowers. Save the file as “YOURNAME bouquet.psd” and place a copy in the “Color Splash” assignment post on our Google Classroom page.
Assigned: October 31st, 2022
Teacher Pacing Due Date: November 1st, 2022