- I can reflect on the Principles of Design and how effectively they were used in my most recent assignment.
Vocabulary Words:
- Contrast
- Repetition
- Alignment
- Proximity
Christmas Advertisement 2015 – Design Principles Analysis 2
Topics Discussed:
- Reflection
- Contrast
- Repetition
- Alignment
- Proximity
- Grid Design
- Click on the Christmas Advertisement 2015 – Design Principles Analysis 2 link to access the online assignment form.
- Based on your completed Christmas Advertisement, please answer all the reflection questions.
- Please answer in complete sentences, and check your answers before attempting to submit the form.
- There are no wrong answers other than “I don’t know”. Please think carefully about your response to each question.
- Do your best to complete this assignment before end of day today, as we will be moving on to a new unit tomorrow.
Assigned: November 9th, 2015
Due Date: November 10th, 2015