Spring 2014 – 45 – Buttons and ActionScript

Tuesday, April 22nd, 2014


  • Use ActionScript to control the Timeline or add interactivity to animations.
  • Place ActionScript code in frames on the Timeline or in external files.
  • Use keyboard shortcuts to view ActionScript.
  • Add event listeners and stop actions.
Student-Friendly Objective:

  • I can use ActionScript to control the Timeline and add interactivity to animations.

Video Links:

Getting Started: ActionScript 3.0

Getting Started: Building an Application:

Topics Discussed:
  • ActionScript 3.0
  • Timeline
  • Layers
  • Event Listener
  • Stop Action
  • Button Symbols


  1. Open the “Pac-Man” animation created yesterday.
  2. Watch both of the above videos to learn how to apply ActionScript 3.0 to create stop actions and to control the position of the playhead during animation playback.
  3. Use the technique demonstrated in today’s videos to create a button called “Rewind” that replays your animation from the beginning.
  4. Use the same technique to create a second button called “Chase” that only plays the portion of your Pac-Man animation where Pac-Man chases the Blue Ghost off the stage.
  5. Save your work. Turn in your animation with functioning Rewind and Chase buttons, titled “Your Name – Pac Man Controls.fla” file to folder “45 – Pac Man Controls” into your period’s subfolder by the end of today.

Assigned: April 22nd, 2014
Due Date: April 24th, 2014