First Day – Getting to Know You


  • Introduce students to the class.
  • Introduce students to the instructor.
  • Introduce students to the classroom.
  • Have students introduce themselves to each other.

Student-Friendly Objectives:

  • I can introduce myself to the instructor and the other students in the classroom.



Topics Discussed:

  • Computer Graphic Design
  • Room 225
  • Mister Marmolejo
  • Yourself!


Welcome to my classroom website for Computer Graphic Design 1-2! Frankly, I’m surprised you’re here – I’m not going to introduce this website to the rest of the class for another couple of days. I guess until then, it’ll be our little secret. This website will be your one-stop shop for all classroom assignments, announcements and materials pertaining to the class.

  1. Take a look around! I’ll explain everything here very soon.
  2. Today we’re going to do one of those “getting to know you” activities. I know, you’re probably going to do something like this in every class today. Don’t worry, I’ll do my best to make it fun.
  3. I’m also going to give everyone a “Getting to Know You Bingo” card before we get started. Make sure you pay close attention to what your fellow students say in class, and see how many matches you can mark off on your Bingo card. There’s a prize in it for you on the way out of class if you get a Bingo, so stay sharp!
  4. The fact that you even found this site shows you have a remarkably inquisitive and adventurous personality. Those will serve you well here. When you meet me, mention the secret words “Lemon Sherbet“, and I’ll give you an extra prize. Don’t tell anyone else! It’s a secret to everybody.

Assigned: August 3rd, 2015
Due Date: August 3rd, 2015